Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Mid February 2023
I joined a bible study this past Fall and it’s not your everyday Sunday school type of group. It’s a three year program and in the first year, you have a list of 9 books to read and a small topical paper to write. I was on my third book, How To Live the Victorious Life by Unknown Christian, and day after day, that little book met me right where I was!
It’s a tiny book (approximately 60 pages) which just goes to show that God doesn’t need an anthem to teach us something deep and long-term perspective changing.
The books premise is this: God has already given us all the things we need to live a more abundant life, but very few Christians have actually taken hold of it. Christ promises us a life that thrives more than it merely survives. A life that rejoices in the Lord during the hardest seasons. A life that experiences a peace that surpasses all understanding and oozes the fruit of the spirit both in outward action and inwardly where nobody can see. The author explains why we aren’t living this life and how to receive this uninhabited level of freedom.

I finished the book on a Wednesday and the following Thursday evening our church had a women’s night of prayer and worship, the theme of which was “Fully Alive.” In true God fashion, it was the exact same topic of the book I’d just finished! Same scripture references, same points, same perspectives.
“I hear you, Lord!” was all I could think through laughing (and tearful) eyes.
There was a moment when we were instructed to write a prayer on a note card and leave it on the steps of the stage. I prayed for God to show me and help me understand exactly what this Victorious Life was all about; I wanted to experience it! I so desparately wanted to take my thoughts captive. I’d tried so hard in the past and always unsuccessful. I desired to walk, live and believe in all the words Jesus promised He would do for us that would result in a transformed and renewed life!
Alright, a lofty prayer for sure. But He made the heavens and earth so I know He’s good with big asks.
Where are all my New Year Resolution fans at? What about my diet fad fans? Picture this: you’ve just resolved to do something new or change a habit. You’re pumped. Day One begins, you are crushing it through ten AM and then before the clock strikes noon, your momentum, desire, and steam begin to dwindle. By 4 PM, you’ve cheated, slipped, or all but laughed and thrown the whole plan in the trash.
My Friday morning started off much like any new goal crusher’s day would. I was pumped and immediately aware of all my thoughts and before a thought could gain access to my mind, I would filter it deciding if it was life-giving or if it was cynical, dishonest, or untruthful to God’s character. If it was a lie, I would stiff-arm it and announce God’s truth. If it was a feeling, I would filter it through the fruit of the Spirit. If it was a person, rather than orchestrate an imaginary conversation in my head, I would simply pray for them with nothing by love in my heart.
This happened ALL DAY LONG! It was incredible! And it lasted for F I V E days!
For the entire weekend, Friday through the end of Tuesday, I was guarding my thoughts like a vicious game of Whac-a-Mole. Left, right, top, bottom, right, right, left. Not a single negative or sullen thought got through to the gates of my mind or heart. I am confident this was nothing but a gift from the Lord was because I know me: There is NO WAY on God’s green earth that I would have been able to uphold that kind of will power, desire, or endurance to do that on my own for an entire day let alone five days. I’ve tried!
What a life it was to be exposed to nothing but life giving truth and promises and to stand firm in those promises. To exercise my faith above all fear day after day!
But the best part that came from not allowing negative thoughts into my mind was that I heard and felt the Holy Spirit so ALIVE in my soul! His voice was the only voice I heard. He didn’t have to compete with the world for my attention. And because His voice was the only one influencing me, doing His will was not only comfortable but second nature!
You guys, I don’t even have the words for it. It was one of the coolest and most gracious gifts from the Lord I have ever experienced.
I’m not sure what ended the miraculous gift. Perhaps I sidestepped God’s will at some point. Maybe I lost sight of Who was in control. Or possibly, the Lord’s grace allowed me to experience this gift just long enough for me to see its effects and how truly important this exercise in life is and then He withdrew the gift in order to allow me to choose, on my own, in every moment, to do this for myself.
I learned more that week than I ever have. I’m so thankful for the Helper for allowing me to experience, feel, see, and hear what it really meant to live the victorious life.
If I could tell you guys one thing, it’s that it all starts with a selfless and humble prayer.
I’m praying for you all to consecrate yourselves, your day, and your mind to the Lord. Everyday. Invite him into your day to do whatever it is He wants to do. Stay open-handed. Hold loosely to your own plans. Stand watch over your mind and whac-a-mole the hurt, the lies, the sorrow, the bitterness, the victimization, the rejection. Leave no door or window open to the enemy and instead think on what is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and search for anything that is worthy of praise. Think on these things! (Phil 4:8)
Pro tip: Close off all secular entertainment for a season and instead choose to submerge yourself in God’s word, praise music, faith filled books, podcasts, and godly community. What you fill your mind with will change your heart. Fill it God’s love.